How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the term used to describe any type of trouble with an erection. It can mean anything from a weak or short-lived erection to complete impotence. Anywhere from 15 to 30 million men per year experience some sort of trouble with erectile dysfunction each year in the United States. There are many reasons erectile dysfunction can occur, but it also becomes more common with age. There are so many ways to experience erectile dysfunction, and age increases occurrences which makes it an extremely common malady for men at any stage of their life.
It is common knowledge that erectile dysfunction increases with age. While there may be some issue with getting or keeping an erection, it does not mean a complete lack of erection or full impotence. Older men require more time, stimulation, and patience to achieve a workable erection, but it is definitely doable. After 65-years-old, the rate of erectile dysfunction goes up. This is most commonly due to side effects of drugs, a disease or an injury. Any type of injury which affects blood flow to the penis, or some type of nerve damage can cause a version of erectile dysfunction.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is so very common because it has a wide definition that encompasses any issue achieving, maintaining and using a workable erection successfully. The truth is, erections are very temperamental and myriad factors can have an effect on them. Here are some of the most common reasons for erectile dysfunction:
• Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
• Hormone imbalance
• Prostate surgery
• Alcohol and drug abuse
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Emotional issues
Is Erectile Dysfunction Really More Common with Age?
Erectile dysfunction is thought to be an affliction of the elderly or middle-aged at the very least. People liken it to getting older, slower, and less virile. The truth is that is isn’t so much age as just experience that brings on erectile dysfunction episodes. Every man in the world will experience erectile dysfunction to some degree at some point in his lifetime. It can be caused by stress, medication, injury, or any number of other things. As we age, we are more likely to need various medications, have more serious injuries, and of course, there is much more to stress over as we get older. This is much of the reason we have more instances of erectile dysfunction as we age.
Many physical factors can cause impotence to some degree or erectile dysfunction. Hernia and ulcers can cause such pain that no sexual stimulation can take place. Migraine headaches are the same way. Broken bones and painful diseases all cause a lack of sexual stimulus and therefore no erection.
Stress about any part of life at all can affect erections. If your mind is constantly on your bills, or your job, you won’t be concentrating on your sex life. When your relationship goes sour, new and even more powerful signs of stress pop up. Relationship troubles often bubble over into the bedroom and get even worse. Once you begin to stress about sexual performance, it is increasingly hard to stop and ever feel comfortable again.
Medicines for hypertension, diabetes and heart problems can all wreak havoc on an otherwise healthy libido. When you have never had a problem obtaining an erection before, this is usually the first thing a doctor looks at. You will be asked to reveal your entire medical history, including any medications you are currently and previously taking. Lots of medications do not mix well with erectile dysfunction drugs and provisions must be made to treat it.
The bottom line is this. If you are sitting home searching online to see how common this issue is so you can gather up the courage to see a doctor, you can relax. You are not alone. It is a common occurrence in every man’s life for different reasons at different times. There is no shame or embarrassment in seeking help. Doctors see these cases every day and have myriad ways of treating them. The key is just being honest in explaining your situation so you get the right kind of help for your problem.