Can I Cure Erectile Dysfunction Without Meds?
There is some research that suggests erectile dysfunction issues can be reversed or managed with the use of natural remedies. Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is a serious issue faced by many men of all ages. It is caused by all different manner of issues from health conditions, to emotional or relationship situations, to even certain kinds of drugs and medications. Although there are many causes, the cure is usually rather easy. The most common and reliable form of erectile dysfunction treatment is medication. In more drastic cases, surgery is required. Doctors recommend using natural remedies in addition to your prescribed medication for the best results.
Men dealing with erectile dysfunction can deal with any or all of the following symptoms:
• Inability to sustain an erection
• Inability to achieve an erection
• A decline in sexual desire
It is a myth that erectile dysfunction only affects older men. It is actually very common for younger men to seek help for erectile dysfunction from their primary care doctor. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction usually find that they are also dealing with a bigger issue such as obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Sometimes erectile dysfunction is spurred on by a less extreme problem such as a sedentary lifestyle or sleep disorders. Even some medications, drugs and things like alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction.
Often, a doctor will recommend specific lifestyle changes in addition to medication and natural remedies. Being more active every day, changing the way you eat, and laying off the alcohol are things the doctor could recommend you change to increase your chances at a healthy erection.
A physical problem isn’t always the cause of erectile dysfunction. Sometimes the cause is something psychological. Life situations such as relationship troubles, depression, stress, and anxiety can all cause erectile dysfunction. Because there are so many varied causes for erectile dysfunction it is very important to seek a doctor’s advice as well as any natural cures you implement.
If the symptoms of erectile dysfunction are ignored it can lead to much larger complications. It becomes a vicious cycle of mental symptoms such as worsened anxiety, low self-esteem, unsatisfactory sex, and relationship trouble. Issues such as getting a partner pregnant often plague younger men with erectile dysfunction.
In 2014, The Journal of Sexual Medicine published the results of a study that showed some men are able to cure their erectile dysfunction with natural remedies and healthy lifestyle changes. The study went on to say that coupled with an effective erectile medicine such as BlueChew, the results are even greater.
Common Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction
While there are a lot of old wives’ tales and legends about certain herbs and minerals that can be eaten or made into a lotion that will help with erectile dysfunction, nothing of that sort is backed by any medical evidence. The natural remedies that help the most are simply healthy lifestyle choices.
Erectile dysfunction symptoms can diminish greatly by utilizing any of these healthy choices:
Cure Erectile Dysfunction Without Meds With Exercise
Increasing your level of activity on a daily basis is one of the very best natural cures you can try for erectile dysfunction. Exercise works on more than one way to not only keep erectile dysfunction from becoming a problem but also to fight against it once it has developed. An exercise routine or simply walking a mile every week increases blood flow and improves blood pressure, both are issues that cause erectile dysfunction.
Eating Healthy Foods Can Cure Erectile Dysfunction Without Meds
Eating right is important. We all know the importance of a healthy diet to our overall good health, but many men are surprised to find out how important it is to a healthy sex life. The foods you put in your diet directly affect erectile function, according to Texas urologist, Zach Muscher, M.D.
Diets rich in grains, fish, fruits, and vegetables decrease the risk for erectile dysfunction by helping to promote a healthy weight. Studies have shown that the risk for erectile dysfunction rises with waist size. Men who have a waist over 40 inches are 50% more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than men with a 32-inch waist.
Cure Erectile Dysfunction Without Meds With More Sleep
Not getting enough sleep, or having irregular sleeping habits is a sure way to develop a problem with erectile dysfunction. Several studies have shown a direct link between sleep and levels of testosterone, a sex hormone, and sexual function. Good sleep equals higher testosterone levels and better sex.
This phenomenon is due to the body’s internal clock. Healthy sleep patterns ensure the body releases hormones at the right time and in the right amount.
There are a lot of natural cures that can help fighting erectile dysfunction a little easier. They can even help keep it from occurring in the first place. Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction can be a symptom to a broader issue and for this reason, you should always consult a professional.
Some people find this type of subject hard to talk to with a doctor. In those cases, telemedicine is an option. Companies such as BlueChew offer erectile dysfunction consultations with licensed doctors via the internet. No face to face visit is required.
Erectile dysfunction affects every man occasionally. A doctor can help decide the best treatment for your situation.